Friday, March 4, 2011

Why blog at all?

It's a good question. I suppose it is simply a means of communication that is consumed on a completely voluntary basis. In the past one might have sent postcards, or emails, but while these are more personal, they are not always appreciated. We are constantly bombarded by information these days, so we have tended to develop (frequently judgemental) filters that are often not very discerning when it comes to personal communication.

So here it is; an alternative to emails, where, I hope I will be able to give an insight, only to those that want it, into the sometimes odd thoughts and places that an itinerant soul finds himself.

The very last thing I want this to be is like a FarceBook page. It will not be about ME, and it will not be yet another travelogue. I will retain my anonymity as far as possible, and only those that know who Nomadix is, should..... well, should know who I am.

1 comment:

  1. When you wrote "In the past one might have sent postcards, or emails, but while these are more personal, they are not always appreciated", I couldn't help nodding... yep, that's been my experience too.

    I for one am glad you're blogging.
